Meet our beautiful FIP Survivors, past and present.
The Survivors (One year or more on PI)

The ultimate survivor. The one who came before all the others... Gringo was one of the original 3 cats in Dr legendre's first study, and he's still here...

Tiny may have lost her eyes to FIP, but certainly not her spirit. Despite the odds, she made it to a full year on PI and is still going strong.

The lovely blue-eyed Bella Birman is a true Princess and our most visible spokescat with her own youtube channel and thousands of followers. She's a star!

Another 5 years survivor, Oliver Mc K sends us this picture of him on his birthday. Here's to many more, Oliver!
The Great Pretenders (not quite a full year on PI, but getting there)

Cool cat Mars was put on PI very early on by his proactive Mom and has been thriving on PI for the last 10 months.
The Brave Ones (remembering the Heroes and Pioneers)

Ferrets too can develop FIP. Sweet Mihoshi benefited from the use of PI for an extra 18 months of survival with his loving family.